Creative frustration

Recently I’ve been unable to visit any art events – a combination of ending up in the office later than I would like and having a lot of life admin to do in my free time is not making for a particularly cultured existence at the moment.

To combat this I’ve been trying to find a way to put an art project which has been buzzing round my head for a year or so into action.

It started off relatively promisingly – there’s a core concept I’m still interested in despite the passing of time and several different forms the work could take. If all goes to plan it will also be rather aesthetically pleasing.

Unfortunately it’s not all going to plan. The latest development was the decision to experiment with resin instead of glass so I could cast it without needing a kiln or suchlike. Not good.

I created a mould out of air drying clay, coated it with vaseline and carefully mixed the resin. It was all going swimmingly until the time came to de-mould.

Utter disaster!

The whole thing is now in the bin and I am trying to decide on my next move.

Perhaps it should be a triumphant return to blogging rather than a disgruntled return to resin…